1 december - 14 december

Winter in Japan

Upptäck mystiken och julbelysningen

Limited spots - apply in advance!

Organiserad av: Go! Go! Nihon

Vinter i Japan är en vacker tid, med klarblå himmel dagtid och magisk julbelysning nattetid. Upplev en annorlunda december i Tokyo i år, med maxad julbelysning och storslagna ljusshower samt mängder av spännande årstids-inspirerade produkter om bara går att hitta i Tokyo under den här tiden av året. Visste du att Starbucks i Japan är kända för deras årstidsvarianter av olika drycker, varför inte prova julvarianten när du ändå är här. Vädret är, likt Sverige, kyligt, men du kan enkelt värma dig med en en varm skål med Shabu Shabu eller en kopp grönt matcha-te medan du lär dig grunderna i traditionell japansk teceremoni. Men vad vore väl ett besök till Japan utan att prova på att sjunga dina favoritlåtar i ett karaokebås tillsammans med dina nya vänner.


christmas illumination 1
Vinter i Japan är en rolig mix av julmys, mat och drycker som är speciella för säsongen, samt traditionella kulturella aktiviteter. Julmarknad, traditionell japansk teceremoni och en dag på Tokyo Disney Sea får dig att uppleva höjdpunkterna med vinter i Tokyo.


Tokyo Intercultural
Intercultural Institute är en central språkskola i Tokyo. Det är en av de skolor vi har samarbetat med längst med stor erfarenhet av att lära ut det japanska språket.


Share house or dorm accommodation
Standardboendet för denna resa är ett privat rum av budgetvariant. Du kommer att ha nära till centrala Tokyo, grundläggande bekvämligheter och tillgång till tvättmaskin (coin-laundry). Hotellrummen i Japan är mindre än du kanske är van vid men du kommer att ha tillräckligt med utrymme för att studera och koppla av efter dina lektioner och aktiviteter. Du kan läsa om våra andra boendealternativ när du bokar. Du kan kika på andra boendealternativ när du bokar, inklusive billigare delade rum, uppgradering till ett standardrum eller att bo hos en värdfamilj.

Få ut mer

eBook A5 - Cover
Om du vill göra dig ännu mer redo inför din resa till Tokyo har vårt team samlat ihop all information du behöver tillsammans med härliga resetips och dolda pärlor. Du får också tillgång till rabatter! Det är endast på Studytrip.com du kan köpa vår resguide om Tokyo till ett specialpris medan du slutför din bokningsprocess. More info here


Den här 2 veckor långa språkresan är perfekt för dig som vill ta ett steg framåt i dina japanska språkkunskaper medan du har en spännande tid i Japan.


På morgonen är det japanskalektioner och på eftermiddagar och kväller erbjuder vi roliga aktiviteter där du kan öva dina nya språkkunskaper.


Du kan boka den här resan oberoende av vilken nivå din japanska är på.


Boka tillsammans med en vän och spara pengar! Ju större grupp, desto mer sparar ni.
2 personer: 10 000 JPY rabatt per person
3 personer: 15 000 JPY rabatt per person
4 personer: 20 000 JPY rabatt per person
*För grupper om 5 eller fler, vänligen kontakta oss för mer information


    Vecka ett

    Japanese food shabu shabu

    Shabu Shabu Restaurant

    När vädret blir kallare och hösten känns i luften är det perfekt att testa en japansk varm gryta. Namnet Shabu Shabu kommer från ljudet som uppstår när man doppar tunnt skivat kött och grönsaker fram och tillbaka i den varma buljongen. Allt lagas på matbordet och genom att doppa köttet och grönsakerna i olika kalla såser kan varje tugga smaka olika.

    Christmas Market

    Besök en julmarknad i Japan och få en försmak av julen. Du kanske får chansen att prova några salta korvar, lyssna på julsånger eller dricka en varm gluewein tillsammans med dina nyafunna vänner.
    Disney Sea i Japan

    Disneyland fast med en havstwist

    Den enda i sitt slag, Tokyo Disney Sea för samman magin med Disney, fast med en extra twist - havstema. Under högtiderna dekoreras parken för bästa stämning. Perfekt för alla och du kan träffa dina barndomsfavoriter, åka spännande attraktioner och njuta av en drink eller två.
    Studentgrupp i Japan

    Internationell träff

    Träffa dina kurskamrater från världens alla hörn under en rolig kväll präglad av kulturellt utbyte. Häng med för drinkar, spel och chansen att skapa varaktiga vänskaper och kontakter!

    Vecka två

    Tea Ceremony

    Tea Ceremony

    Följ med på en eftermiddag i den japanska kulturens tecken när du lär dig konsten att servera och dricka grönt, japanskt matcha-te. Njut av framträdandet medan du äter en japansk sötsak, som ofta serveras tillsammans med det rika gröna teet.
    Vinterbelysning i Tokyo


    Njut av en japansk vintertradition när du besöker en av stadens gnistrande julbelysningar. Ta en varm dryck, promenera på gatorna med dina nyfunna vänner och njut av julstämningen i Tokyo.
    Sjung karaoke

    Sjung karaoke

    Du har säkert hört talas om karaoke, men har du upplevt äkta japansk karaoke? Du och dina vänner får ett privat litet rum, två mikrofoner och sedan turas ni om att sjunga alla era favoritlåtar. Varför inte ge dina favoritsånger från Japan ett försök? Du kanske till och med kan imponera lite på dina nya resekamrater!

    Välj din plan

    • Shabu Shabu Restaurant Japanese food shabu shabu När vädret blir kallare och hösten känns i luften är det perfekt att testa en japansk varm gryta. Namnet Shabu Shabu kommer från ljudet som uppstår när man doppar tunnt skivat kött och grönsaker fram och tillbaka i den varma buljongen. Allt lagas på matbordet och genom att doppa köttet och grönsakerna i olika kalla såser kan varje tugga smaka olika.
    • Sjung för kung och fosterland på Karaoke Sjung karaoke Du har säkert hört om karaoke, men har du upplevt äkta japansk karaoke? Du och dina vänner får ett privat litet rum, två mikrofoner och ni kan köa vilka låtar ni vill sjunga. Varför inte ge dina favoritsånger från Japan ett försök, du kanske till och med kan imponera lite på dina nya resekamrater!
    • Julbelysning Vinterbelysning i Tokyo Njut av en japansk vintertradition när du besöker en av stadens gnistrande julbelysningar. Ta en varm dryck, promenera på gatorna med dina nyfunna vänner och njut av julstämningen i Tokyo.
    • Christmas Market Besök en julmarknad i Japan och få en försmak av julen. Du kanske får chansen att prova några salta korvar, lyssna på julsånger eller dricka en varm gluewein tillsammans med dina nyafunna vänner.
    • Disneyland fast med en havstwist Disney Sea i Japan Den enda i sitt slag, Tokyo Disney Sea för samman magin med Disney, fast med en extra twist - havstema. Under högtiderna dekoreras parken för bästa stämning. Perfekt för alla och du kan träffa dina barndomsfavoriter, åka spännande attraktioner och njuta av en drink eller två.
    • Tea Ceremony Tea Ceremony Följ med på en eftermiddag i den japanska kulturens tecken när du lär dig konsten att servera och dricka grönt, japanskt matcha-te. Njut av framträdandet medan du äter en japansk sötsak, som ofta serveras tillsammans med det rika gröna teet.
    • Transport till aktivitet
    • Rese- och sjukförsäkring
    • Språklektioner
    • Standard-boende
    • Välkomstpaket


    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Nej
    • Nej
    • Nej
    • Nej
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    ¥ 309500


    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Nej
    • Nej
    • Nej
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    ¥ 314000


    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Ja
    ¥ 327000


    Att boka den här resan är för tillfället inte möjligt, vänligen skriv upp dig på vår lista för att bli den första som får veta om kommande språkresor, samt när bokningsperioden åter öppnas igen.

    Aktivitieterna under den här språkresan kan komma att ändras beroende på ändrade omständigheter.

    The best experience I’ve ever had!Traditional Japan was awesome, nice activities, beautiful places and amazing people.The classes are really nice, it gives you chances to meet new people from different places. The activities are great, and the attention from everyone in excellent.It was really an amazing experience in all aspects.La mejor experiencia de todas, totalmente lo recomiendo.läs mer
    Sebastian Hernandez
    Sebastian H.
    20:02 26 Feb 20
    All the information given on their website was accurate and the comunication with the staff is very quick and precise. The staff from the course are super helpfull and give good recomendations about everything you are interested to do in Tokyo. The japanese lessons are extremely good, in no time you will find yourself reading Katakana and Hiragana and babbling some basic japanese. Really a life changing experience. Would give more stars if it was possible.läs mer
    Juan Manuel Anzola
    Juan Manuel A.
    13:58 19 Dec 19
    Jose was an awesome tour guide 10/10 would recommend. The activities where great and the Studytrip team helped making my first trip to japan unforgettable. Thanks for that guys.
    Ronny illidony
    Ronny I.
    15:16 08 Oct 19
    If you ever thought, this could be an experience you want. DO IT! You will regret not to have done it in the years to come. They do a fantastic job and will take care of every single thing you can imagine. It's totally worth it and they don't promise to much with their slogan "a life changing experience". Trust me.läs mer
    Christian Gumbert
    Christian G.
    13:28 08 Oct 19
    I was on the otaku Japan 3-weeks course and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. The actives were all amazing and super fun. The people were amazing too. The Study Trip staff really made the trip enjoyable! Fast responses, easy to contact, super nice! 10/10! I definitely recommend it, it was an incredible experience!läs mer
    Victoria Lagerberg
    Victoria L.
    10:56 30 Sep 19
    I participated in the Summer Course of 2019 with Study trip and it was really fun and was an amazing, most memorable experience! I had a blast and didn't want to leave, I wished that the trip could've been longer and wished that I had more time to do other things... the staff are all very professional and friendly and helped as much as they can and always responded to any questions and messages. Thank you so much to Lindsay, Jose, Lydia, and Mika! I hope that I will get a chance to visit Japan again in the future. ^_^läs mer
    Tiffany McKnight
    Tiffany M.
    01:55 26 Sep 19
    (Translated by Google) I spent a wonderful month in Tokyo with Go Go Nihon. We visited a lot of places that I could only dream about before. Good organization of the staff, all available and kind."One flaw," if you can call it: I studied all'Akamonkai, very organized school and really good for those approaches for the first time with the Japanese language. Unfortunately, having already the JLPT N5, I have not learned anything new.The courses were still stimulating, and I can say at least that I have filled the gaps I had.5 stars for this unique experience!(Original)Ho trascorso un mese bellissimo a Tokyo con Go Go Nihon. Abbiamo visitato un sacco di luoghi che prima potevo solo sognare. Buona organizzazione dello staff, tutti disponibili e gentili.Unico “difetto”, se così si può chiamare: ho studiato all’Akamonkai, scuola molto organizzata e veramente buona per chi si approccia per la prima volta con la lingua giapponese. Purtroppo, avendo già il JLPT N5, non ho imparato niente di nuovo.I corsi erano comunque stimolanti, e posso dire almeno di aver colmato le lacune che avevo.5 stelle per questa esperienza unica!läs mer
    Giulia Cioffi
    Giulia C.
    15:29 19 Sep 19
    If you're even considering booking a trip to Japan with Study Trip, just do it! I had the time of my life and the lovely people at Study Trip made it all possible. Special thanks to Jose, Lindsay, Mika and Lydia!läs mer
    10:30 17 Sep 19
    These guys made me feel at home in Japan, and honestly the trip to Tokyo would not have been the same without all the help they gave us. I highly recommend Studytrip to anyone thinking of doing a course with them, it's worth every penny.läs mer
    01:09 17 Sep 19
    (Translated by Google) Very smart guys and well organized.I found myself very well with them, they have always been very helpful when needed (a note of merit to José who was a guide with all the trimmings) There has never been a hitch in terms of organization and everything has always gone smoothly .I believe that what they offer is a good service absolutely worthy of receiving a 5-star rating, however I just want to clarify that, probably due to communication problems with the school or other things that I could not define, inside the dormitory ( which was run by the school) there were some everyday objects that I had to buy and in general as it was presented, everything seemed to be included.Small things in any case, I recommend the Studytrip service to anyone interested in having an experience of this type in Japan(Original)Ragazzi molto in gamba e ben organizzati.Mi sono trovato molto bene con loro, sono sempre stati molto disponibili all'occorrenza (una nota di merito a José che è stato una guida con i fiocchi) Non ci sono mai stati intoppi per quanto riguarda l'organizzazione e tutto è sempre andato liscio.Reputo che quello che offrono sia un buon servizio assolutamente meritevole di ricevere un giudizio a 5 stelle, tuttavia mi sento solo di precisare che, probabilmente a causa di problemi di comunicazione con la scuola o altro che non saprei definire, all'interno del dormitorio (che era gestito appunto dalla scuola) mancavano alcuni oggetti d'uso quotidiano che ho dovuto comprare e in generale per come era presentato il tutto sembrava fossero inclusi.Cose di poco conto in ogni caso, consiglio il servizio di Studytrip a chiunque sia interessato a fare un'esperienza di questo tipo in Giapponeläs mer
    00:03 17 Sep 19
    (Translated by Google) It was an incredible experience, from the first day the staff of "Studytrip" is at your entire disposal if you have any questions during your stay in Japan, they are professionals in their work and very close in dealing. I must add that due to personal problems in my country during my stay in Japan I began to suffer from depression and they were always very close to me and helped me a lot to enjoy the rest of my trip, for which I am very grateful. 100% recommended!(Original)Fue una experiencia increíble, desde el primer día el personal de "Studytrip" está a tu total disposición si tienes cualquier duda durante tu estancia en Japón, son profesionales en su trabajo y muy cercanos en el trato. Debo añadir que debido a problemas personales en mi país durante mi estancia en Japón empecé a sufrir una depresión y ellos siempre se mostraron muy cercanos a mí y me ayudaron mucho a disfrutar del resto de mi viaje por lo que les estoy muy agradecido. ¡100% recomendado!läs mer
    Max Wolf
    Max W.
    07:58 12 Sep 19
    Went over the Summer Course of 2019 and had one of the most memorable and enjoyable times of my life so far! Jose was an amazing guide around Tokyo and the classes at Akamonkai were VERY intensive, but also very enjoyable. I was on the gold plan and if you DON’T get the gold plan you’re really missing out on a LOT of fun activities! I’d gladly do it again in a heartbeat! My love for Japan has intensified since going and I’m getting impatient for my return!läs mer
    Derek Wyland
    Derek W.
    02:22 12 Sep 19
    The staff were very helpful, and cooperative. Every question I had was swiftly answered, and when I was having trouble with my sleeping arrangements it was promptly taken care of in an organized manner. I think one of the best parts about the staff is how knowledgeable they are of the tokyo area, many time I was able to ask about recommendations and not be let down. The events they have lined up for the trip were fun, memorable, and organized. At all times I felt like I knew what was going on and I was never afraid I would get lost. I highly recommend doing one of their programs, it won't be something you will regret and I have no doubt it will be a trip you will remember for the rest of your life. 👍läs mer
    mike mc
    mike M.
    01:55 12 Sep 19
    (Translated by Google) I loved the experience with Studytrip <3Both the guides and the roommates were very nice and I had a lot of fun.Highlight the support and constant feedback both at the time of booking and in the country of Japan.José, the guide, a ten! He helped me at all times and since he could not always follow the conversation in English, whenever he asked me to translate what they had said, he did it without any problem.On the other hand, my personal experience in relation to language more or less well. This is where I personally had a little trouble. I have a medium-low level of English and I was having trouble following some conversations with my classmates. I asked often, to see if they could repeat it to me, and they kindly repeated it to me, but there came a time when my head couldn't take it anymore and I just disconnected XD.The language academy was a bit hard for me too, since I only learned about Hiragana and some basic expressions (typical of Japanese animation series), and I had a hard time keeping up with the class. Which made me frustrated.Taking into account that I was going to enjoy and that we had little time because we did activities many of the afternoons - I contracted the Gold Package of the Traditional Japan theme (or something like that) - I finally decided to enjoy and spend a bit of classes the last week. Although I must also say that I had a much better time in class when the youngest teacher was the one who gave it.In general, to say that it has been a fantastic experience and that I am planning to repeat, this time in a longer stay of 1 to 2 years to study Japanese.Many thanks to the entire Studytrip team!(Original)Me encantó la experiencia con Studytrip <3Tanto los guías como las compañeras de piso fueron muy agradables y me divertí mucho.Destacar el apoyo y el feedback constante tanto en el momento de hacer la reserva como en el país Nipón.José, el guía, ¡un diez! Me ayudó en todo momento y como no podía seguir siempre la conversación en inglés, siempre que le pedía que me tradujese lo que habían dicho lo hacía sin ningún problema.Por otro lado, mi experiencia personal en relación al lenguaje más o menos bien. Aquí es donde yo personalmente lo pasaba un poco mal. Tengo un nivel medio-bajo de inglés y me costaba seguir algunas conversaciones con las compañeras. Preguntaba a menudo, a ver si me lo podían repetir, y amablemente me lo repetían, pero llegaba un momento en que mi cabeza ya no podía más y simplemente desconectaba XD.La academia de idiomas fue un poco dura para mi también, ya que fui sabiendo solo Hiragana y algunas expresiones básicas (típicas de las series de animación japonesa), y me costaba mucho seguir el ritmo de la clase. Lo que hacía que me frustrase.Teniendo en cuenta que iba para disfrutar y que teníamos poco tiempo pues hacíamos actividades muchas de las tardes - contraté el Paquete Oro de la temática Traditional Japan (o algo así) - decidí finalmente disfrutar y pasar un poco de las clases la última semana. Aunque también he de decir que lo pasaba mucho mejor en clase cuando la profesora más joven era quien la daba.En general, decir que ha sido una experiencia fantástica y que estoy planteándome repetir, esta vez en una estancia más larga de 1 a 2 años para estudiar Japonés.¡Muchas gracias a todo el equipo de Studytrip!läs mer
    Cristina López Montalvo
    Cristina López M.
    17:28 02 Sep 19
    I had such an excellent time. I went on the cultural StudyTrip to Tokyo. The activities were amazing fun, I learnt so much, the course leaders were friendly, supportive and just all round wonderful. The lessons I took were challenging in a good way. Everyone who came on the course was lovely and we have forged some lifelong international friendships. The team at studytrips/GoGo Nihon were dedicated to making sure we had a fantastic time, and could not have been more accommodating. The three weeks passed far too fast, and we were all very sad to leave, but the memories we made will last forever!läs mer
    Emily Jupitus
    Emily J.
    10:51 02 Sep 19
    It was a wonderful experience, I had the opportunity to learn and practice the language while having fun, apart from all the people and places you get to know, I definitely recommend it! You will want to stay even more time!läs mer
    Ricardo Adrian Silva
    Ricardo Adrian S.
    19:11 28 Aug 19
    (Translated by Google) I attended Traditional Japan and deserves 5 stars, even more!I was ready to spend 3 beautiful and hectic weeks, but my expectations were exceeded. The course at Akamonkai is excellent, the lessons are perfectly organized and the teachers are precise and very good. The organization of the entire study holiday was impeccable and the activities were very fun. The entire StudyTrip staff, both the Italian one who answers any doubts via email, and the one in Japan has always been available even in the event of an emergency. They were fantastic!I will never forget this experience. 10/10 😍(Original)Ho partecipato al Traditional Japan e merita 5 stelle, anche di più!Ero pronta a trascorrere 3 settimane bellissime e frenetiche, ma le mie aspettative sono state superate. Il corso all’Akamonkai è ottimo, le lezioni sono organizzate alla perfezione ed i professori sono precisi e molto bravi. L’organizzazione dell’intera vacanza studio è stata impeccabile e le attività sono state molto divertenti. L’intero staff di StudyTrip, sia quello italiano che risponde ad ogni dubbio tramite email, sia quello in Giappone è sempre stato disponibile anche in caso di emergenza. Sono stati fantastici!Non dimenticherò mai questa esperienza. 10/10 😍läs mer
    Maria Grazia Rubino
    Maria Grazia R.
    15:24 28 Aug 19
    (Translated by Google) This summer I had the opportunity to travel to Korea for three weeks with the short summer course and it was great. From the first day they provided me with the arrival at my accommodation, as well as information regarding transportation, sim card for my phone ... The activities were varied and they recommended nearby places to make the most of each afternoon. Korean classes at Lexis are intense but we learned a lot in a short time. If you want to travel to Korea but you are afraid to travel alone, I recommend it, it is a unique experience: D(Original)Este verano he tenido la oportunidad de viajar a Corea durante tres semanas con el curso corto de verano y ha sido genial. Desde el primer día me facilitaron la llegada a mi alojamiento, así como información relativa a transporte, tarjeta sim para mi teléfono... Las actividades fueron variadas y nos recomendaron lugares cercanos para aprovechar al máximo cada tarde. Las clases de coreano en Lexis son intensas pero aprendimos mucho en poco tiempo. Si quieres viajar a Corea pero te da miedo viajar solo, te lo recomiendo, es una experiencia única :Dläs mer
    Laura Menoyo
    Laura M.
    17:58 18 Aug 19
    Excellent team and always helpful. They make sure you feel always at ease! 100% recommended!
    Diego Bermudez
    Diego B.
    13:50 17 Aug 19
    The experiences, feelings and all the new memories I've got from Studytrip through this summer was so amazing and wonderful that it's hard to put it into mere words! I took the course Traditional Japan 2019 (about three weeks) and there wasn't a single day or activity I was disappointed in! The school, the guide, friends- everything was absolutely perfect! Going to this study trip, learning Japanese, got to know new friends from all around the world- this trip is really the highlight for me this year! 🌟Thank you so much for all your services, Studytrip! I'm so grateful that this was the most eventful trip I ever been on my own!🌸läs mer
    21:59 11 Aug 19
    If you decide you wanna live in japan or not then this study trip is a good start. They have a very friendly and responsive staff if you need help with anything. I would recommend this trip for anyone deciding to live in japan or notläs mer
    emerson marcelo
    emerson M.
    03:01 12 Jul 19
    (Translated by Google) Going to Japan with Studytrip is an unforgettable experience. Exchange, meetings, discoveries and wonderful memories are on the program!(Original)Aller au Japon avec Studytrip est une expérience inoubliable. Echange, rencontres, découvertes et merveilleux souvenirs sont au programme !läs mer
    marine cordier
    marine C.
    06:45 01 Jun 19
    (Translated by Google) I loved this study holiday! The school, the activities and the moments spent together with everyone. The Studytrip guys were very nice and made the activities very pleasant. The school of their choice was just what I wanted, it allowed me to speak a lot in Japanese and the teachers were nice and always available and kind. It was a really good experience, thanks.(Original)Ho adorato questa vacanza studio! La scuola, le attività e i momenti passati insieme a tutti. I ragazzi di Studytrip sono stati simpaticissimi e hanno reso le attività molto piacevoli. La scuola da loro scelta era proprio quello che volevo, mi ha permesso di parlare molto in giapponese e le insegnanti erano simpatiche e sempre disponibili e gentili. È stata davvero una bella esperienza, grazie.läs mer
    Domenico D'Agostino
    Domenico D.
    07:47 31 May 19
    I had an amazing time and trip in Tokyo thanks to the team of studytrip. I was able to see and do so much, and staying with a host family was one of the best decisions i ever made. My studytrip also gave me a solid foundation to do some solotraveling as well as see and experience more of Japan.läs mer
    09:24 23 May 19
    Great attention and good companions ,the staff y super friendly and accesible.
    Juan Quintero
    Juan Q.
    02:32 22 May 19
    (Translated by Google) I must admit that I have enjoyed this trip a lot, the people who belong to this service are very kind, friendly. Any questions you have, get their answer immediately. And the activities that were carried out met my expectations! Highly recommended! Very sure! :3(Original)Debo reconocer que he disfrutado mucho de éste viaje, las personas que pertenecen a este servicio son muy amables, amigables. Cualquier duda que tengas, obtiene su una respuesta inmediatamente. Y las actividades que se realizaron llenaron mis expectativas! Muy recomendado! Muy seguro! :3läs mer
    Fiorella Cánepa Lama
    Fiorella Cánepa L.
    02:23 22 May 19
    I had so much fun during the Spring course with Studytrip. It's a great experience and you do things that you don't usually do with common trips. You also have the chance to study Japanese at a language school, it's a bit challenging, but you learn so fast. You will meet people from other countries and if you have same interests, during free time you can hang out with them and do some sightseeing or go to amusement parks... it's so fun and I highly recommend to do this course also because the Staff is so funny and they help you with everything that you have in mind.läs mer
    03:57 14 May 19
    Wonderful experiences that are hard to get on your own. Added so much to my time in Tokyo.
    Brooks Collins
    Brooks C.
    05:07 22 Apr 19
    What a great experience!! Everything was taken care of from getting all of the documents taken care of before going to Japan to getting to class and the daily after school trips and knowledge of the areas. I got to learn a lot of culture and was able to do a little talking with some of the people I met while I was there because of the language courses.läs mer
    03:32 22 Apr 19
    (Translated by Google) I really liked the experience in Korea, it was a country that I always wanted to visit and it is very happy, the course was very productive and the tourist views allowed me to learn more about Korean culture, highly recommended, the trip where every day is pleasant, safe and very good experiences every day.(Original)Me gusto muchísimo la experiencia el Korea, fue un pais que siempre quise visitar y es muy feliz, el curso fue muy productivo y las vistas turísticas me permitieron conocer mas la cultura coreana, muy recomendado, el viaje en donde todos los días son agradables, seguros y muy con muy buenas experiencias cada día.läs mer
    paola Rodriguez
    paola R.
    17:54 11 Nov 18

    Det här behöver du veta

    Datum för språkresan
    Från 1 december
    Till 14 december
    Sista ansökningsdag
    10 september
    Första dagen
    2 december
    Sista dagen
    13 december
    Åldersgräns för att delta
    Studerande måste vara 18 år fyllda vid kursstart.
    Med aktiviteter som sträcker sig över två veckor kommer du hinna med en hel del roligt och mysigt som ger dig en perfekt julkänsla i Toyko.
    Datum för boende
    1 december
    14 december
    Upphämtning vid flygplatsen
    För en avgift på 21 000 yen kan StudyTrip.com organisera upphämtning från flygplatsen. Om du skulle vilja utnyttja det här alternativet, var god och meddela detta till oss på din ansökningsblankett. Studenter måste anlända mellan 09:00 och 20:30. Om ditt flyg anländer senare än 20:30 kan vi dessvärre inte erbjuda er denna tjänst.
    Drop-Off Service at the Airport
    För en avgift på 21 000 yen kan Studytrip.com organisera en avlämningsservice för dig till flygplatserna Narita eller Haneda. Om du vill utnyttja detta alternativ ber vi dig att meddela oss via din ansökningsblankett. Studenter måste åka mellan klockan 8:00 och 21:00. Om ditt flyg avgår utanför detta tidsfönster kan vi tyvärr inte erbjuda denna tjänst.

    Kontakta oss

    Normally, it takes us between 1 – 3 business days to respond to your email. Sometimes it takes us a bit longer, but don’t worry we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

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